Sunday, October 6, 2013


Gold - Just some "oh-so-pretty" gold flowers

Found - I found out that three-year olds like to do yoga. (Archival photo)

Something Colorful - This big-stitch quilting project is something colorful.

Light - This could have been good for my prompt in motion; it could have been "Light In Motion"  or "Motion in Light".

Me Today -  I love all the edits these photo apps have. This newsprint edit erases the wrinkles - better than a facelift.  

In Motion - If you ever had a schnauzer, you understand. 

This Afternoon - I sewed.


Enjoy your week and

Quilt happy,



Karen Mallory said...

Fun photos Marilyn! I love the light one.
How is your ankle. Hope it is a lot better.
CRAFT has been so quiet lately. Eerie! LOL
hugs Karen

Needled Mom said...

I need some of that newsprint work done on me.

hetty said...

Love your photos! Are you feeling better? Hope so.

Unknown said... is a week from Sunday last and I am just now visiting! Well it is Sunday...again. I love all of your pictures and you must face are beautiful, my friend! You simply marvelous! I really like that very colorful quilt...going back to your blog to see if there is more of that!
