I belong to a wonderful friendship group. We call ourselves "Wednesday Wackos", because we meet on Wednesdays, and yes, we are a bit wacko. But most of all these women are a loving, caring, giving, and beautiful group of women.
I have had a few recent upsets in my life. A couple of family deaths, and I took a little fall. I haven't even been home for the past two and a half months. But, look what came in the mail today--all the way to Florida.
I know! Isn't is beautiful? What a wonderful surprise. Guess what I'm sleeping with tonight? Trudy immediately tried it out. It's folded up nicely at the moment. This is my 2nd quilt from this wonderful group of women. I can be a bit clumsy. If I was home, I would also show you that quilt.
Love all of you Wacko Sisters!
Salsa Tatemada (Fire-Roasted Salsa)
6 hours ago
It is beautiful! I belong to an on-line group that does something similar. It's fun to put together the blocks for the top and so exciting to see them when they are all together.
Take care!
Sandy A
What an awesome surprise. I am sorry, I did not know about the deaths or fall, I have been a bad bad blogger. I hope that this year will be much better to you.
Such a lovely surprise for you, the quilt looks amazing.
Pity your clumsiness is catching!
That's a lovely surprise.
What a lovely surprise. That quilt really is beautiful! Sorry but I didn't know about the deaths in your family or your fall. Did you mention that? Here's hoping that 2014 will be better for you.
Wonderful! A bit of Long Beach coming to Florida! They must love you! :D
hugs Karen
Gorgeous!!!! You are definitely a very special person...♡♡♡♡hugzzzzz
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