Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Meeting Friends

Yesterday I had the pleasure to meet one of my C-R-A-F-T Yahoo Group friends: Jenny Hall from New Zealand. What a lovely lady. One of her reason's to visit Long Beach was to go to the International Quilt Festival. Jenny stayed at the Hyatt next door to the convention center and I met up with her about 11:00 AM on Monday. Sadly, we only had a short two-hour visit. However, we had a great time. We met and had a cup of coffee and I drove her to the Los Angeles Airport where she was heading to meet her two oldest children who are currently living in London. The world has become such a small place especially with the advent of the Internet and all the on-line groups. I have been able to meet and visit with Yahoo Group friends from Switzerland, Australia, Washington, Virginia and now New Zealand. If I missed any, forgive me. I have mentalpause. I hope I get to meet many more of you.


Unknown said...

that is just Awesome! meeting someone from the other side of the world....someone you've been talking online with! It is just how I felt when I met Khris ...sooo surreal!

Beeshebags said...

Sounds like the two of you chatted up a storm in the two hours though! lol It was great that you could meet up with her. How small does the world seem now we have the internet and on line groups? Hugs Naomi

Khris said...

So exciting meeting friends online hey....and it really does bond the friendships so much more...I see Jenny has cut all her hair off....hugs Khris

Sharon-NZ said...

How cool is that, and a great photo as well, sounds like you both had a great time

Karen Mallory said...

That is so neat that you got to meet Jenny from the other side of the world. She is talented too. She was my advent partner a couple years ago! Got some lovely handmade items!
hugs Karen

beth said...

i happened to meet two of the bloggers i read while i was at the show too...so much fun. it does make the world seem a lot smaller. :)