I took a workshop yesterday with Patricia Pepe (
http://www.patriciapepe.com/ ). She is the Queen of the X-Block. It was an amazing workshop. This one block, and the tool she has invented, makes it a fast, fun and easy block. It works into so many variations it is mind boggling. And, she is able to convey it to the student without a lot of head scratching. And beleive me, that is a talent.

Here are a few of the ways to twist and turn the blocks to make each block look like something different.

Aren't they all great?

Just take a look at Kasey's in the center there. Doesn't is look complicated? It's not. It is still just a 9-patch turned in a few directions. Of course, it too was cut using the X-Block. It was a great way to spend a Saturday. I hope you take a look at Patricia's site to see some beautiful quilts.
Happy quilting,
That is cool Marilyn! It's amazing what you can do with regular blocks just by position!
hugs Karen
It was one of the best workshops ever. Thanks for arranging it.
Saw a quilt made using this tool on a vendor's stall at one of the local quilt shows. Unfortunately they'd sold out of the ruler. You have reminded me to follow up. :)
Wow! I would like to take the class as well. It looks very interesting and another true manipulation of fabrics, I love it! Hopped over to her site and am thinking of purchasing her book...thanks for sharing your workshop with us...
I vaguely remember Khris bringing an X block 'something' home with her from her last trip to USA....might have to borrow it until I can get one and try this, seens as though my favourite block seems to be 9 patch! Hugs Naomi
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